About Transportation

First Student Inc. is our current transportation provider. Their home office is located in Merrimack, NH, but they have a branch office in Belmont on Route 106. You can contact the Belmont office at the address listed below:

First Group, Inc. 592 Laconia Road Belmont, NH 03220 Phone: 603-524-1787 FAX: 603-524-2743

District & State Policy

NH RSA 189:6 Transportation of Pupils.pdf
JICC-R - School Bus Conduct Rules.pdf
JICC - Student Conduct on School Buses.pdf
EEAEA - Mandatory Drug and Alcohol - School Bus Drivers.pdf
EEAE-R - Safety Guidelines for Parents-Guardians of Students Using School Buses.pdf
EEAE - School Bus Safety Program.pdf
EEAB - Establishment of School Bus Routes.pdf
EEA - Student Transportation Services.pdf
ECAF - Audo and Video Survelliance on School Buses.pdf

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