Overview & Philosophy
The Gilford School District has a 1-to-1 Chromebook Program which includes the use of Google Workspace for Education, an extensive collection of productivity and collaborative tools used in our classrooms to enhance teaching and learning in innovative ways. In addition to Google Workspace for Education, our teachers use a variety of online educational apps/tools with students. There are inherent risks with online technology use, particularly as it relates to student data privacy and security. The Gilford School District recognizes its ethical and legal responsibility to adequately protect student data and privacy as required under federal and state laws and district policies. Transparency with all district stakeholders with regard to policies (SDPC), a and practices around technology use and student data and privacy is important. The District holds membership in the Student Data Privacy Consortium, a collaborative of schools and districts that addresses and vets privacy concerns in 3rd party tools and applications.
Electronic information alters the information landscape for schools by opening doors to an unlimited array of resources. The internet makes available electronic information that has not been screened for content, curriculum, or age level. Staff will provide guidance and instruction in the use of material gleaned from electronic sources. Internet research skills are now fundamental to citizenship and employment in the Information Age. In addition, students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school computer networks and their mobile devices, just as they are in the classroom or any school facility. Access is provided to those students who agree to act in accordance with the standards for the guidelines stated in our Acceptable Use Policy.