About Student Services

We offer a wide variety of programs to support the students with special needs in the Gilford School District. We have an outstanding Special Education department that supports students in our school community from age 3 to 22.

Our district ensures that, to the maximum extent appropriate, a student with disabilities is educated with students who do not have disabilities. When students with education disabilities participate in regular education classes or programs, the integrity and appropriateness of the curricula of the classes or programs shall be maintained for both the student with educational disabilities and the students who do not have educational disabilities. We make every effort to see that special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of students with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily.

Our 504 program supports students in need of accommodations because of their disability. These students are classified under the Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Many of our students that qualify for this program have either a short-term disability, typically due to an accident, or only need to have minor accommodations because of their disability to be successful in the public school. The Gilford School District is committed to make sure that all students receive the needed support so if the student chooses they can be successful in the classroom.

It is our expectation that parents, faculty and students will work closely to provide the programs and services necessary for a comprehensive education, as well as the support needed to meet the academic standards set forth by the Gilford School District, in accordance with the state and federal laws.

The Gilford School District is very grateful to employ supportive, qualified staff working in our department.

Please contact gsdss@sau73.org with any inquiries.

GSD Student Services

Policy, Law, and Forms

ACAC-R - Sexual Harassment - Reporting Form.pdf
ACAC - Title IX Nondiscrimination Policy and Notice of Nondiscrimination.pdf
ACA - Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Procedure.pdf
AC - Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity Employment and Anti-Discrimination Plan.pdf
AC-R(2) Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity Employment and Anti-Discrimination Plan.pdf
DCYF Report Forms.pdf
Gilford Anti-Discrimination Plan.pdf
Guide to the NH Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities.pdf
Procedures for an Office of Civil Rights Complaint.docx.pdf
Targeted Assistance School Plan.pdf
Title I District Plan Provisions.pdf

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